About Ads and Marketingby Clay MarafioteHere is an article on Marketing Ads. Have you ever wanted to be noticed? If not you personally, how about your company?
This can be tough when you're a small business with a limited marketing budget. And if you're using small display ads
(or classifieds) in newspapers, magazines, or on the Internet,they can easily get lost in all the other ads competing for your prospect's attention.
Here's an example of how we doctored one client's proposed ad. Their product -- a software program -- allows companies to transact globally using a breakthrough technology and for 1/4 the price of competitive products. All great selling points. But buried somewhere in the middle of the copy was a brief mention that customers could get a free version of this software, which usually sells for about $1000.
Specialize Marketing Resources: - Article about ads and marketing Advertising Age
Composed Marketing Ads News
Online ads overtake mags.
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