The Power of consistency marketing

Consistency Marketing

About Consistency Marketing

about consistency marketing

by Clay Marafiote

Here is an article on Consistency Marketing.

Consistent marketing builds familiarity

The truth is, most people buy what they know and trust. Consistent marketing builds familiarity. Familiarity builds confidence. And customers who have confidence in you buy from you.
Consider this:
In TV land, there's an ongoing phenomena: right around the time a production staff starts getting very bored with a program they've been working on, the audience is usually just starting to warm-up to it.
And if the program is ever going to BLAST off, the staff knows it has to put up with being "bored" long after the initial boredom rears its ugly head.
That's the price of producing a successful program... you have to stick with it.

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Your marketing works the same way.

Keep right on marketing and running your ads long after you are tired of seeing them. Just because YOU'RE bored with them doesn't mean your audience is -- chances are they're just warming up.
Consistency builds familiarity and familiarity leads to sales.

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Author Credit:

Bogie is the contributing writer at Gulfcoast Webworks and loves writing articles related to the advertising marketing and the health field. He also cares that his articles are not illegally duplicated and passed around!
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