
Promotion and Marketing

About Promotion and Marketing

about promotion

by Clay Marafiote

Here is an article on Developing Promotion.

I went to a local networking-fundraiser the other night. The turnout was pretty good, especially since we just came off a shortened (Holiday) week.

This points us to an interesting phenomenon.

Every year, as we enter the holiday season, many people and companies adopt the attitude that "things will automatically slow down" for them until sometime in January.
They sort of just take it for granted, then it ends up panning out that way.

A self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe.

Visit Marketing, Website Design, Computer Repair - with lots of information.

But you definitely don't have to buy into this craziness and suffer the consequences until the end of January, or even longer!

This a great time of year to step-up your marketing efforts, especially as your competitors put their heads in the sand for the next four weeks. That's right, while your competition is letting life happen to them (instead of MAKING it happen for them) you can be proactive.
And reap the rewards at the beginning of 2007, while the slackers of the world lick their holiday wounds.

What can you do? Promote, promote, promote!
You might try doubling your efforts. For example, if you normally send out a thousand pieces of direct mail every week, for the next few weeks step it up to two thousand. Keep your name in front of your target market.

Something else you can do.
Take full advantage of all the upcoming holiday parties. Don't hibernate! Get out there and network with people. Party like events are a great place to talk with your associates and prospects, there's just something about a relaxed, casual atmosphere. And remember, every person you meet is a door.(you might want to think about this for a minute).

The point is, December doesn't have to be a slow period, for you. It can actually be a very valuable launch pad into the new year. The choice is yours!

Promotion Resources:

- Promotion (marketing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Author Credit:

Bogie is the contributing writer at Gulfcoast Webworks and loves writing articles related to the advertising marketing and the health field. He also cares that his articles are not illegally duplicated and passed around!
Visit marketing and advertising articles and My Medical Planner for articles covering a diverse range of topics.

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